Divorce law firm Surrey

Property division attorney in Surrey

They should be able to provide guidance on how best to handle the legal aspects of your divorce, like property division or child custody arrangements. If you decide it is best to hire a lawyer then there are several steps to take. In addition, both parties must provide an up-to-date financial statement detailing all assets and liabilities prior to making any decisions about maintenance agreements.(although this isn't always necessary). In addition, it may be useful to attend an initial consultation with several different lawyers before deciding which one is right for you. Finally, if one spouse has considerably higher income than the other then they may need to provide some form of financial assistance during the divorce proceedings. A good divorce lawyer in Surrey should be knowledgeable, experienced, and understanding (all important qualities!). Word-of-mouth is usually a great source of information since people share their honest experiences with others when it comes to services like these. Collaborative attorneys work together with each of their clients through mediation or negotiation, rather than using aggressive tactics. Divorce Lawyer Surrey

Surrey divorce law firm